Select the items you want to purchase by clicking on the ADD TO CART button. Muse Bookstore offers all of their customers all four formats automatically when purchasing an e-book.
Once you have your selection of ebooks go to your cart and proceed to checkout.
If you have a discount coupon/certificate you will enter the redemption code within the box before you finish the transaction and continue to paypal.
Once the code is entered the price will now change to reflect the discount.
Now proceed to paypal and finalize the transaction.
You will receive a series of emails confirming the purchase, the payment from paypal, and a confirmation from Muse Bookstore that will contain all four of our ebook formats. If you have pre-ordered an upcoming release, the files will be delivered to you on release day.
We give you four formats and allow two downloads per format.
To upload to your Kindle, all you have to do is:
- save our PRC file somewhere in your computer where you can easily find it
- plug in your Kindle's USB
- when asked, open your Kindle's file folder
- then simply drag our PRC file into your Kindle's file folder
That's it.