When you begin a story, new characters line up like eager actors at tryouts, putting their best face forward; then about the time they think they own the part and the story couldn't possibly go on without them, they get cranky and refuse direction. So it's good to have meditative pastimes like working with plants or trekking roadways step by step, because, since characters come from my imagination, I often find myself arguing with me.
Beside writing novels, I post gardening articles on Rhobin's Garden (https://rhobinlee.wordpress.com/), articles related to writing on the Writer's Vineyard every four weeks, and update my page, Rhobin Lee Courtright ().
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Sci-fi space opera
The company prohibits podders from surviving the death of their crewkin. Renna plans on living. |
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Erotic Urban Fantasy
ADULT CONTENT: Trixie’s Hot Box Bar and Grill serves up the best in food, love, and witchcraft. |